Talking In My Closet
Most people do not enjoy hearing their own voice.
I most definitely fall into that category. Nevertheless, even after receiving dozens and dozens of amazing audio auditions to read my memoir I started talking in my closet.
My closet? Well, it is the only quiet space in my home - insulated with my well worn wardrobe. I purchased a recording kit with a Yeti microphone and pop filter, hooked it up to my laptop, drank warm water with lemon, sang the national anthem, and away I went.
All that was the easy part. Reading the scenes, not skipping words, not crying, not laughing, not sobbing, not reading too fast …
There are plenty of talented professionals who do this beautifully for a living. They have gorgeous full tones, perfect diction, and probably don’t even need the warm water with lemon.
But listening to other women reading my words made me realize all the more that NAKED is my story alone. No one can write or tell our stories for us. And I learned no one can record my story for me. It belongs with my voice, my sniffling, my tears, my imperfect tones. I hope my smiles and cadence bring me closer to you and you closer to my story.
If you would like to hear Chapter 11 - Click here for a free audio sample. I would really appreciate any and all feedback.
Thank you so much for your help - FreedNaked (at) gmail (dot) com
Love, Me